
熱 情 的 夜 晚




以下是最近瘋狂repeat的歌,水叮噹(Aqua)的Heat of the Night ,熱情奔放的舞曲,感謝邱少的分享(Aqua兩張我都買正版耶,幹嘛解散...)。 要聽直接按這裡。


Heat of the Night

In the heat of the night,
we are having a fiesta,
we dance until siesta,
when the sun comes alive.

In the heat of the night,
we are having a fiesta,
let's dance until siesta,
when the sun comes alive.

oooh oooh ooh ooooh

I've been waiting for
summertime to come welcome
beaches, lying in the sun
music playing, people
everywhere no need to
worry, the tequila is
here And when the sun
goes down we are having
fun,coz there will be
a party going on...

In the heat of the night,
we are having a fiesta,
we dance until siesta,
when the sun comes alive.

In the heat of the night,
we are having a fiesta,
let's dance until siesta,
when the sun comes alive.

oooh oooh ooh ooooh

Heat of the night.
Heat of the night.

Life is easy, on a holiday,
all your problems seem so
far away,the bar is open,
and everybody sings:"excuse
me senorita, for you free
drinks"And when the sun
goes down we are having
fun,coz there will be a
party going on...

In the heat of the night,
we are having a fiesta,
we dance until siesta,
when the sun comes alive.

In the heat of the night,
we are having a fiesta,
let's dance until siesta,
when the sun comes alive.

oooh oooh ooh ooooh

Heat of the night.

Coz when the sun goes down
we are having fun,and there
will be a party going on...

In the heat of the night,
hahaha we are having a
fiesta,In the heat of the
night, niiiiight we are
having a fiesta,

"Let's swing it copa de

"Hola senorita, let's go
to the beach."

In the heat of the night,
we are having a fiesta,
we dance until siesta,
when the sun comes alive.

In the heat of the night,
we are having a fiesta,
let's dance until siesta,
when the sun comes alive.

Heat of the night.
Heat of the night.


最近大漢天子3、ANTM、NBA、一大堆錄下來的HBO電影、平常聽英文歌居多,導致看魔王還轉不過聲道,跟之前天天看日劇的聽力有差,連作夢都是好萊塢愛情喜劇風,對,最近夢到角色都是美國人,故事中我是第一人稱女主角Andrea,跟男主角Carlos(不愧是叫Carlos的,渾身都是拉丁帥哥魅力)分手後搬到New Jersey,內容跟台詞到現在還記得,中間有一段類似回憶還走YA風,我滴媽呀講英文就算了,畫面下方還有中文字幕!


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